eCM (Eur Cell Mater / e Cells & Materials) eCM Open Access Scientific Journal
 ISSN:1473-2262         NLM:100973416 (link)         DOI:10.22203/eCM

Volume No 5 January - June 2003

Pages 1-16 : P. A. Gunatillake and R. Adhikari
Biodegradable synthetic polymers for tissue engineering

Pages 17-28 : N. Nurdin, P. François , Y. Mugnier, J. Krumeich , M. Moret, B.-O. Aronsson and P. Descouts
Haemocompatibility evaluation of DLC- and SiC-coated surfaces

Pages 29-40 : E. Sachlos and J. T. Czernuszka
Making Tissue Engineering Scaffolds Work. Review: The application of solid freeform fabrication technology to the production of tissue engineering scaffolds

Pages 41-47 : P.J. Roughley, F. Rauch and F.H. Glorieux
Osteogenesis imperfecta - Clinical and molecular diversity

Pages 48-60 : D.B. Jones, E. Broeckmann, T. Pohl and E.L. Smith
Development of a mechanical testing and loading system for trabecular bone studies for long term culture

Pages 61-67 : Y.B.J. Aldenhoff and L.H. Koole
Platelet adhesion studies on dipyridamole coated polyurethane surfaces

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