2020 Volume No 40 pages 21-37
Title: Modelling the catabolic environment of the moderately degenerated disc with a caprine ex vivo loaded disc culture system |
Authors: CME Rustenburg, JW Snuggs, KS Emanuel, A Thorpe, C Sammon, CL Le Maitre, TH Smit |
Address: Biomolecular Sciences Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University, City Campus, Howard Street, Sheffield S1 1WB, UK |
E-mail: C.Lemaitre at shu.ac.uk |
Abstract: Low-back pain affects 80 % of the world population at some point in their lives and 40 % of the cases are attributed to intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration. Over the years, many animal models have been developed for the evaluation of prevention and treatment strategies for IVD degeneration. Ex vivo organ culture systems have also been developed to better control mechanical loading and biochemical conditions, but a reproducible ex vivo model that mimics moderate human disc degeneration is lacking. The present study described an ex vivo caprine IVD degeneration model that simulated the changes seen in the nucleus pulposus during moderate human disc degeneration. |
Key Words: Intervertebral disc, loaded disc culture system, goat, disease model, moderate disc degeneration. |
Publication date: July 16th 2020 |
Article download: Pages
21-37 (PDF file) |

Notes on corrected Fig. 4
Fig. 4 correction: Images for the control discs had been mistakenly labelled during image capture on the original figure and incorrect images included within the original figure; this has been corrected on the revised.
Fig. 4: All analysis and conclusions were drawn from the original slides and not from individual images; thus, there are no changes required for the text of the article.