eCM (Eur Cell Mater / e Cells & Materials) eCM Open Access Scientific Journal
 ISSN:1473-2262         NLM:100973416 (link)         DOI:10.22203/eCM

Volume No 40 July - December 2020

Panebianco et al. (2020), best graphical abstract July-December 2020

Pages 1-20 N AlOtaibi, K Naudi, D Conway, A Ayoub
The current state of PEEK implant osseointegration and future perspectives: a systematic review
Dental Regenerative Biology special issue manuscript

Pages 21-37 CME Rustenburg, JW Snuggs, KS Emanuel, A Thorpe, C Sammon, CL Le Maitre, TH Smit
Modelling the catabolic environment of the moderately degenerated disc with a caprine ex vivo loaded disc culture system

Pages 38-57 UC Woelfle, T Briggs, S Bhattacharyya, H Qu, N Sheth, C Knabe, P Ducheyne
Dual local drug delivery of vancomycin and farnesol for mitigation of MRSA infection in vivo – a pilot study

Pages 58-73 JJ El-Jawhari, DC Ilas, W Jones, R Cuthbert, E Jones, PV Giannoudis
Enrichment and preserved functionality of multipotential stromal cells in bone marrow concentrate processed by vertical centrifugation

Pages 74-87 E Renard, J Amiaud, L Delbos, C Charrier, A Montembault, M Ducret, J-C Farges, L David, B Alliot-Licht, A Gaudin
Dental pulp inflammatory/immune response to a chitosan-enriched fibrin hydrogel in the pulpotomised rat incisor
Dental Regenerative Biology special issue manuscript

Pages 88-114 P Fernández-Pernas, L Barrachina, M Marquina, C Rodellar, MC Arufe, C Costa
Mesenchymal stromal cells for articular cartilage repair: preclinical studies

Pages 115-132 CZ Li, L Wystrach, A Bernstein, S Grad, M Alini, RG Richards, D Kubosch, N Südkamp, K Izadpanah, EJ Kubosch, G Lang
The tissue-renin-angiotensin-system of the human intervertebral disc
Disc Biology special issue manuscript

Pages 133-145: HC Lin, CK Wang, YC Tung, FY Chiu, YP Su
ncreased vasculogenesis of endothelial cells in hyaluronic acid augmented fibrin-based natural hydrogels – from in vitro to in vivo models

Pages 146-159 CM Krull, AD Lutton, JW Olesik, BA Walter
A method for measuring intra-tissue swelling pressure using a needle micro-osmometer
Disc Biology special issue manuscript

Pages 160-171 RE De la Vega, MJ Coenen, SA Müller, CV Nagelli, NP Quirk, C Lopez de Padilla, CH Evans
Effects of FK506 on the healing of diaphyseal, critical size defects in the rat femur
Bone Healing special issue manuscript

Pages 172-188 M Haffner-Luntzer, A Ignatius
Animal models for studying metaphyseal bone fracture healing
Bone Healing special issue manuscript

Pages 189-202 S Remmers, D Mayer, J Melke, K Ito, S Hofmann
Measuring mineralised tissue formation and resorption in a human 3D osteoblast-osteoclast co-culture model

Pages 203-226 B Saravi, G Lang, S Ülkümen, T Burchard, V Weihrauch, S Patzelt, M Boeker, Z Li, JP Woelber
The tissue renin-angiotensin system (tRAS) and the impact of its inhibition on inflammation and bone loss in the periodontal tissue
Dental Regenerative Biology special issue manuscript

Pages 227-238 K Wade, N Berger-Roscher, V Rasche, H Wilke
Disc wall structural abnormalities can act as initiation sites for herniation
Disc Biology special issue manuscript

Pages 239-258 CJ Panebianco, JH Meyers, J Gansau, WW Hom, JC Iatridis
Balancing biological and biomechanical performance in intervertebral disc repair: a systematic review of injectable cell delivery biomaterials
Disc Biology special issue manuscript

Pages 259-275 E Boloori, T Schoenmaker, CJ Kleverlaan, BG Loos, TJ de Vries
Gingival epithelium attachment to well- or partially cured resin composites

Pages 276-302 M Travnickova, M Vandrovcova, E Filova, M Steinerova, J Rackova, T Kocourek, J Bartova, T Suchy, M Zaloudkova, M Jelinek, L Bacakova
Effect of diamond-like carbon doped with chromium on cell differentiation, immune activation and apoptosis

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